Gold Rush Days, Fishing, and the State Capital

Juneau has been a great stop, we leave here on the Kennecott Blue Canoe, Tuesday, 5 July, en-route to Whittier, AK. We will be on the mainland for 14 days, exploring the Turnagain Arm area, then off to Kodiak for 14 days.

Gold Rush Days Douglas island is an annual event in Douglas Island for two days out of the year. Lumberjack and gold miners get to show off their skills. One of the competitions was driving spikes into 6 x 6 pieces of timber. They had to drive at least five spikes in with an ax both overhead and overhand. We had good weather as we sat in the stands watching some of the competitions. Of course we ate lunch there from some local food vendors and walked around and had a good time.

There were alot of activities we didn’t witness, like the overshot mucker, it loads oar into an oar cart powered by air, jackleg drills, ax throwing, hand mucking, and speed climbing.

We walked around the bridge along the channel where there have some benches and a whale….

Virgil went for an early morning walk and was greeted by this bald eagle. The eagle was not bothered that Virgil was so close. How kool is that?

We did a lot of fishing for Kings and have not landed any as you may have read already 😉

We visited the State Capitol Building and a small Juneau Museum.

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