At the end of Trail

At the end of Trail
Lieper Forks, TN
Lieper Forks, TN The Natchez Trail that is…..
So after 2 days of not leaving home due to work and rain, we were ready to go some where….Maybe Nashville, nah, maybe Memphis, nah, how about Tupalo, nah… Let’s not plan anything, lets just get out and drive and see were the journey takes us. We hopped on the Natchez Trail at mile marker 380 (out of 444 miles) and headed north. Its a sunny day, blue skies, slight breeze, about 75 degrees, and the trees are one week away from full “Color”. The trail is much like driving the Blue Ridge Parkway, lots of tree lined hills (no real mountains here), waterfalls, trails, and beautiful overlooks. A slow paced, winding two lane road shared by bicyclists, motorcycles, convertibles, and us, in the BFT… The trail is well marked, giving a 1/2 mile notice of upcoming historical landmarks, and the first one we stop at was. Meriwether Lewis, of the Lewis and Clark Expedition fame, met his death in 1809 while traveling on the Trace and was buried here. Tennessee erected and monument
The state erected a monument his honor. was appointed the Givoner of the Louisiana Territory, as he was good friends with the President. We hiked into some water falls.
Gordon House
Iron Ore Smelter…
Ore Mine


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