Are we in Alaska ?

20 June 2018
Forest Boondocking on Salmon River in Idaho
44.171806, -114.905257

We left Arco , Idaho to travel “up the gut” of Idaho, north to Stanley. Stanley is in a basin of the Sawtooth Mountain s, Boulder Mountains, and the White Cloud Mountains and to  get there we traveled on a great secondary road over the Galena Summit , a mountain  pass of 8700 feet.

About 20 miles before the pass,  in Sun Valley, there was a DOT sign stating no trailers over 30 feet….. we are 40 feet ,  so we kept going to the pass located in the Boulder Mountains.

As we gained in elevation, there were many series of switchbacks, and curves to the top.  We really enjoy mountain driving and look forward to the challenges. The views were amazing. (even though my eyes were on the road…). As we descended to the basin,  the BFT did all the work keeping our speed below 30 mph all the way down. As we entered the valley, we passed the head waters of the Salmon River, yep, its beginning.

The valley was green, fertile, full of pondarosa pine trees, and flanked by the snow capped mountains of the Sawtooths…. Very aptly named….  The road followed the meandering river as it slowly increased in size. It was moving swiftly from the heavy rains and snow melt. Which, btw, is 27 feet of snow per year…. Yep, it is 68 degrees and feels great.

This part of the drive really reminded us of our trip to Alaska.  “Frost Heave” signs, warning us of the upcoming bumpy road. Green and lush meadow with Elk and Moose hiding in there somewhere,  with snow capped mountains. Okay… we are in the land of the Potato….

I scoped out a few boondocking sites  on google map before we left Arco, and shazam .. the first location was a winner… Right on the bank of the Salmon River, and only two other campers nearby.

After setting up, we drove 2.1/2  miles north to Stanley, grabbed a bite to eat at Sawtooth Luces, then to the visitor center, then to a nice a (small) museum, and then off to see Lake Stanley. The lake was beautiful.

After the visiting the lake we came home, set up the lawn chairs , and enjoyed the music of the Salmon river flowing by.. wow this is great.


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