Old Man Winter's Last Stand…..

Old Man Winter's Last Stand…..
Grand Forks, ND
Grand Forks, ND This base has gone through allot of mission changes over the years since 1957. SAC, AMC, ReFueling, Minuteman ICBMs, to name a few, now it is home to the Global Hawk Drone, plus they have a great RV campground! Not much going on today, it was 28-32 all day and snowing….We are having winter for sure, we certainly are not used to it, but that is a part of the adventure. This afternoon we went to the BX and commissary on base. We drove to “town” to get some propane ($25) and topped off the BFT with diesel ($2.49 gal). While at the propane station, the Cannon Lady was there… guess the circus is in town.
Seems weird to have icicles and snow on the BFT. While out we decided to grab bite to eat, I asked the propane guy if he knew of a good local Italian joint. So off we went to Momma Maria’s, a mom and pop pizzeria, it was good but not great..
We stayed bundled up with jackets, gloves, hats, and Ann wore a scarf, and once we got back home, bundling was still in fashion.


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